E-Flows describe the quantity, timing, and quality of the flow of water, sediment and biota required to sustain freshwater and estuarine ecosystems and the human livelihoods and well-being that depend on these ecosystems (Brisbane Declaration amended, 2007)
Researchers Anustha Shrestha and Anurag Pokharel participated in the three days of Hydropower and Environmental Flows Training Workshop. It was organized by the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and International Centre for Hydropower (ICH) in Marriot Hotel, Naxal, Kathmandu.
The workshop comprised of lectures, a panel discussion, case studies and thorough interactions. The instructors from IFC and ICH introduced topics including:
The panel discussion was on E-Flows in Nepal. The panelists comprised of power developers, consultants, and government representatives. Jeremy Keeton of USAID Paani Program moderated the discussion.
Participants engaged in case studies of different hydropower project examples provided by the instructors. The projects had faced unique challenges in terms of determining appropriate e-flows.
Nepal aims to rapidly develop hydropower in the coming years. As river infrastructures like hydropower can cause drastic changes in the river system, it is a must to incorporate the concept of e-flows in their designs. Engineers, lawyers, ecologists, economists, hydrologists, sociologists, resource economists, water planners, politicians, stakeholders, and communicators alike need to have a strong understanding of e-flows so that social, cultural and ecological needs are met along with the need of energy.