Challenges to increasing the productive use of hydroelectricity in Nepal

Challenges To Increasing Ihe Productive Use Of Hydroelectricity In Nepal

Nepal has the multi hazardous environment that underscores the importance of developing effective recovery mechanisms that would allow restoring access to basic services right after the disaster. As electricity is basic services and around 25 percent of the population did not have access to electricity that is why “Nepal Electricity Authority Community Electricity Distribution Bye Laws, 2060” was approved by NEA. Locally organized communities were allowed to purchase electricity in bulk from the national grid and to operate and manage the local distribution of electricity through CREE. The Gorkha earthquake in April 2015 damaged the distribution infrastructure that was managed by CREEs. The assessment was conducted to identify damages and status of electrical services which was a part of reconstruction and recovery project. The findings obtained from the assessment would be useful in formulating strategies to improve the capacity of CREEs for effective recovery and restoration.

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